In seven years, the SaddleBrooke ONE and SaddleBrooke TWO boards of directors will meet to renegotiate the Reciprocal Use Agreement; also known as the RUA. The two HOA’s are distinct and separate in their legal structure united only by the RUA.
Robson Communities will continue to build homes here thereby adding to the size of SaddleBrooke TWO which ultimately assumes the responsibility of each new neighborhood Robson Communities, Inc. builds. We don’t have a clue where the expansion will end. Will it be one, two, three or dozens more neighborhood units that for which SaddleBrooke TWO will become responsible. SaddleBrooke ONE is completely built out and cannot increase in size beyond its current rooftop count.
I am not opposed to the continued expansion of SaddleBrooke by Robson Communities Inc. I simply believe the current and future imbalance is not what SaddleBrooke should be. This is where we are and we will continue to be divided unless we, as residents, stand up and do something to make our entire SaddleBrooke community one HOA. It must start now so we don’t get tangled up in another potentially contentious RUA negotiation that might further divide us.
Like many of you, when I decided to make SaddleBrooke my permanent retirement home, I had no idea there were two SaddleBrooke communities. I only made that distinction when I took out my checkbook to pay my community service fee, play golf, eat at one of SaddleBrooke’s restaurants, vote, or receive an assessment to cover added costs. When asked where I lived, I simply said SaddleBrooke with no distinction between ONE or TWO. So why should we not be who we say we are: Homeowners in SaddleBrooke. That place just North of Catalina, AZ.
United SaddleBrooke is a concept and we are looking for support. In my daily discussions with other SaddleBrooke residents I have never, let me repeat, NEVER heard someone say it is a bad idea. A United SaddleBrooke, governed by a single HOA, inherently brings two divided communities together for a common future. That future is here now if you join us. Fill out the contact form on this page and become a voice for a better, brighter, efficient, and a more vibrant UNITED SADDLEBROOKE.
You can also visit us at the club and activity fair January 22, 2022 at the Mountain View clubhouse. Meet us, ask your questions, and fill out a no obligation membership form to be counted as a UNITED SADDLEBROOKE supporter. See you there. Tell your friends and neighbors that something exciting is brewing.
